walking 2 walking 1


Location: Gower Peninsula, South Wales, River: Pennard Pill, Starting point: Shepherd’s Parkmill, Ending point: Three Cliffs Bay

We developed this walk in the same location over a period of a week. During each walk we focused on how our senses were stimulated in order to create a multi sensory experience. This embodied response to the land tries to support the mapping and ecology of the environment. We documented this in film and sound.

Our own experience is specific to a river walk in South Wales, but a walker could undertake this along any river, stream or canal. It is suited to anyone in an urban, suburban or rural setting.

This proposition focuses on the “walker of experiences” returning to the same site to create a map of visual memories, found sounds, smells and temperatures which are compatible with the idea that a location is always in flux and subject to change.

These responses can be developed through documented processes or just the experience itself.

<strong>We contemplated these questions</strong>

How do we respond to the landscape when in motion? How does the various sounds of water flow affect our mood? How do we recall memories of our journeys over time through embodied experiences?
<strong>Things might be needed for the walk</strong>

Mobile phone, camera, sound recorder, video camera, note books, sketch books, waterproof sandals, Wellies, swimming suit, wetsuit, waterproof jackets/trousers, sunglasses, matches, torches, flask, an apple.