Chapters from the book Walking Methodologies in a More-than-Human World: WalkingLab.

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2018). Walking Methodologies in a more-than-human World: WalkingLab. London, UK: Routledge.

Introduction. (Download PDF)

Chapter 8: A walking-writing practice (Download PDF)

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters:

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2019). Queering temporalities, activating QTBIPOC subjectivities and world-makings: Walking research-creation. MAI: FEMINISM & VISUAL CULTURE.

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2019). Counterfuturisms and speculative temporalities: Walking Research-Creation in School. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. (Download PDF)

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2019). Research-creation walking methodologies and an unsettling of time. International Review of Qualitative Research, 12(1), 85-93. (Download PDF)

Truman, S.E. & Springgay, S. (2019). Queer Walking Tours and the Affective Contours of Place. Cultural Geographies. (Download PDF)

Truman, S. E. & Shannon, D. B. (2018). Queer sonic cultures: An affective walking-composing project. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry. 1(3).

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2017). A transmaterial approach to walking methodologies: Embodiment, affect and a sonic art performance. Body & Society, 23(4), 27-58. (Download PDF)

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2017). On the need for methods beyond proceduralism: Speculative middles, (In) tensions, and reponse-ability in research. Qualitative Inquiry, 24(3), 203-214. (Download PDF)

Springgay, S. & Truman, S. E. (2017). Stone Walks: inhuman animacies and queer archives of feeling. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 38(6), 851-863. (Download PDF)

Truman, S. E. & Springgay, S. (2016). Propositions for walking research. In Powell, K., Bernard, P. & L. Mackinley (Eds). International Handbook for Intercultural Arts (pp. 259-267). New York, NY: Routledge.

Edited Journals:

Special Issue of Journal of Public Pedagogy on Walking in/as Publics