At this hub, research activities will focus on sensory methodologies and urban place-making through Japanese American taiko drumming in San Jose Japantown, CA, one of three remaining Japantowns in the United States. Here, Dr. Powell will work with artist PJ Hirabayashi, a founding member of San Jose Taiko and the group’s Artistic Director Emeritus, and is currently engaged in a project called TaikoPeace as well as a recent recipient of the U.S.-Japan Creative Artist Fellowship. Powell and Hirabayashi are planning to collaborate on a walking project that examines the connections between walking and the choreographed movements that mark taiko drumming, particularly the ways in which such movement relates to narratives such as migration, the Japanese American internment experience (Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, 1942), youth civic engagement, and identity politics. Kimberly and PJ will work together to create walking tours, curated by local residents, tours that could be exhibited at the Japanese American Museum in San Jose and at the San Jose Taiko studio for public exhibition. Powell and Hirabayashi will be working with videotape, cartographic methods, and audio in order to record these movement narratives. Dr. Powell’s prior work with walking concerned the ethnographic documentation and mapping of the El Chorrillo neighborhood of Panama City, Panama, with architecture professor Peter Aeschbacher.